Ozark Foundation’s OZ Kids™ Crit Championship Series – a bike race series for kids ages 2 -10, next stop is Bella Vista - Bikeapalooza! It’s going to be EPIC!

Race categories are grouped by age. We have races for both balance bikes and bikes with pedals. Each racer gets a numbered race plate with a timing chip...because they are LEGIT...and a totally rad medal. The top three times in each category will stand on a podium and collect their prize!

Points awarded during this race will count toward the OZ Kids™ Crit Championship Series Overall Podium to be held at the series finale in Bentonville, October 18. Click here for series rules and point structure. Click here to see the current series standings.

Registration is required for all racers. Space for the race is limited. Race fee is $15.


  • Gritty, multi-surface, super fun course carved into Sugar Creek Center north of Allen’s Food Market

    Race Venue Address - 10 Sugar Creek Center

  • 9:30 a.m. - Course opens for warm-up

    10:00 a.m. - Races begin - any necessary adjustments to race schedule will be communicated the week prior

    • 10:05: Balance Ages 2-3 (one lap short course) -staging/ line up at 10:00

    • 10:15: Balance Ages 4-6 (one lap short course) - staging/line up at 10:05

    • 10:25: Pedal Ages 3-4 (one lap short course)- staging/line up at 10:15

    • 10:35: Pedal Ages 5-6, Girls (one lap full course)-staging/ line up at 10:25

    • 10:45: Pedal Ages 5-6, Boys (one lap full course)- staging/line up at 10:35

    10:55 a.m. - Podium awards for Ages 2-6 

    11:00 a.m. - Races continue

    • 11:05: Pedal Ages 7-8, Girls (five minutes + one lap full course)- staging/ line up at 11:00

    • 11:15: Pedal Ages 7-8, Boys (five minutes + one lap full course)-staging/ line up at 11:05

    • 11:25: Pedal Ages 9-10, Girls (eight minutes + one lap full course)-staging/ line up at 11:15

    • 11:35: Pedal Ages 9-10, Boys (eight minutes + one lap full course)-staging/ line up at 11:25

    11:45 a.m. - Podium for ages 7-10

    Racers must be on-site and ready to go, with their wristband on and race plate affixed to their bike, 30 minutes prior to their race start time. 

  • We recommend taking advantage of EARLY PACKET PICK UP:

    Thursday, May 8: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at the Ozark Foundation warehouse located at 408 SW 8th Street (next to Rolling Taco)

    Friday, May 9: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the Ozark Foundation warehouse located at 408 SW 8th Street (next to Rolling Taco)

    On-site race packet pick-up will be at Sugar Creek Center, 2344 Hayden Rd, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Race packets include the race plate (with chip timing) and color-coded wristband.

    SERIES RULES - additional series information and rules are available here.